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Happy?! New President Day

Happy?! New President Day

Happy New President Day!  Or not so happy, for some of us. I caught my reflection and noticed I was wearing an appropriate shirt for today.  It has three words printed boldly across the front: INHALE EXHALE LOVE Yup.  Breathe in…breathe out…love. Like him or loathe 

What ADHD Feels Like

What ADHD Feels Like

 Sometimes it makes me feel anxious. Like I’m slipping and can’t grasp onto anything. Out of control. Adderall slows everything down. It clears the haze. It removes the excess.  (I haven’t taken any in days because we’re trying to get pregnant.  Hence the messy brain.) 

Mindful Compassion

Mindful Compassion

It’s so easy to judge people, isn’t it?  They do something you think is weird/inappropriate/wrong, and the negative thoughts start coming.  I’m sure the argument could be made that such thoughts were protective at some point in history.  That distancing ourselves from those who were different 

What would you do if no one said you couldn’t?

What would you do if no one said you couldn’t?

My daughter is 13 months old, and she is fiercely independent.  I cannot overemphasize the “fierceness” part of that.  She wants to do everything on her own these days, and much of it is still beyond her capability.  As long as it’s not dangerous, we usually 

I can’t believe I did that…

I can’t believe I did that…

I’m really good at making a fool of myself. I say inappropriate things. I goof around when I should be serious. I over-commit and under-deliver. The list goes on. When I realize it, I feel awful and embarrassed. Out of shame, I try to hide 

Hello, Baby!  Goodbye, Freedom.

Hello, Baby! Goodbye, Freedom.

Gosh I love my little girl.  I love her more than I thought I was capable of loving anyone. But I have to be honest. Vulnerable, scary honest. I miss my freedom. Just now I had to write a humbling email to a nonprofit for 

The Race to Be Thin

The Race to Be Thin

I just read this thought provoking article by Joni Edelman: Being Thin Didn’t Make Me Happy, But Being ‘Fat’ Does It’s strange…before I got pregnant, I was apparently very tiny.  The thing is, I didn’t know it.  Despite the fact that all of my clothes 

Unexpected Triggers

Unexpected Triggers

Grief is not a simple process. It doesn’t move predictably, or even forward much of the time. It’s more cyclical. A few steps forward, a few steps back. Today I briefly took a couple steps back into pain, at the dentist’s office of all places. 

The Process of Pregnancy Loss

The Process of Pregnancy Loss

Most people think of miscarriage as an event.  It is more of a process. Today I am in the medical bill portion of the process. It wasn’t technically a miscarriage this time.  (This was my third pregnancy loss.)  It was an ectopic pregnancy.  It was