What would you do if no one said you couldn’t?

What would you do if no one said you couldn’t?

My daughter is 13 months old, and she is fiercely independent.  I cannot overemphasize the “fierceness” part of that.  She wants to do everything on her own these days, and much of it is still beyond her capability.  As long as it’s not dangerous, we usually 

I can’t believe I did that…

I can’t believe I did that…

I’m really good at making a fool of myself. I say inappropriate things. I goof around when I should be serious. I over-commit and under-deliver. The list goes on. When I realize it, I feel awful and embarrassed. Out of shame, I try to hide 

The Race to Be Thin

The Race to Be Thin

I just read this thought provoking article by Joni Edelman: Being Thin Didn’t Make Me Happy, But Being ‘Fat’ Does It’s strange…before I got pregnant, I was apparently very tiny.  The thing is, I didn’t know it.  Despite the fact that all of my clothes